I am intrigued by the little things that make up a larger whole.
It amazes me how simple elements can be combined in infinity...

letters become language and
sketches become beautiful patterns.


As a Gemini, pattern development is the magical thing that makes my right and left brain so happy! I never tire of getting a piece of art into a repeating surface design.

If you are interested in licensing or developing a pattern collection, please reach out and let me know. I love to collaborate!

I was immediately drawn to her warm, and positive spirit, which is also visually communicated through her art, as well as her love of nature. She is a joy to work with—full of fresh ideas, open to other perspectives, and willing to take on any task needed.
— Traci Ackerman - Red Disk Founder/Creative Director

Some recent and favorite work:

I love collaborating with like minded companies. If you are interested in connecting to discuss a project, please reach out: