
I am an artist and pattern lover with 15 years of experience in the design world. I love to create, both for myself and clients. My goal is always to bring joy and a sense of magic in a straightforward package.

Artwork -

My art practice is the foundation for all of my work. I am driven to explore perspective, silver linings, and personal history - which translate into paintings and colorful assemblies.


Pattern -

The gemini in me is happiest making patterns. Most start out as sketches or paintings and piece together into designs for a variety of surfaces, including wallpaper, textiles, stationary and dinnerware.


Products -

What started as experiments and small runs for client gifts has slowly grown into small collection of products showcasing my art and pattern work. I love seeing how the pieces translate from two dimensions into functional, decorative pieces to wear and enjoy!

Murals & Public Art -

I believe greatly in the power of art, and that it should be readily available to everyone. The ability to create public art is a new found passion and one that I am excited to do more of!

Client Collaborations -

I love visual storytelling and creative problem solving. I have done a wide range of design work for clients - from logo and package design, to illustration and identity consulting. It is an honor to work with clients and bring their brand to life.