I'm in the 2023 UPPERCASE Surface Pattern Design Guide!!
I’m thrilled to finally be able to share that my pattern design work is included in this year’s UPPERCASE Surface Pattern Design Guide! UPPERCASE is a quarterly magazine for the creative and curious inspired by craft, design, typography and illustration. Published since 2009, the magazine has an enthusiastic and loyal readership of designers, illustrators, craftspeople, creative entrepreneurs and paper lovers around the world. Ads-free, with high-quality production values and a unique design aesthetic, the content of each issue is eclectic and inspiring.
Thousands of patterns were submitted to the Guide (I was one of 994 entrants!) and not only will my work be featured in the print magazine, I was also selected by Canadian “House of Paper,” Halfpenny Postage, for a collection of greeting cards – how awesome is that?!?
You can see the spread with my work in the image below. If you are interested in getting your own copy of UPPERCASE (or a subscription!) for loads of creative inspiration, you can use the code
SPDG5save10 for 10% off a subscription (offer expires on April 30).
What is Art? (A love story)
I figure most of you are here because you know me, or love art, or love my art. So, here is a story about love, and art!
Aaron and I met in the first period of our first class our freshman year of art school. It was called Methods and Concepts, a foundations of art class, Monday morning at 8am. A short time into that Monday morning class we were divided up into groups to discuss the question – what is art? Our little group of 5 or so went back and forth for a few minutes tossing out things that might be, or might not be art. It can be hard to define art. Is a painting on a wall in a museum art? What about a photograph? Are the marks the cavemen scrawled in the caves art? Is my couch art? What about music or dance? Do they count as art?
The groups dispersed and the teacher opened up the conversation to the class. What is art? One person thought that art was indeed a painting on the wall of a museum. Others thought it was more inclusive and roped in dance and music, sculpture and words. And some of us thought it was concept or intention that made art. Really, anything could be art if it was imagined to be so. A desk could be art. An idea could be art. A life could be lived as art.
Two kids nearing art school graduation, and same kids last month at the Carnegie International exhibition
Aaron and I were very much aligned in the anything can be art camp and that started our friendship. And that friendship grew into a love and that love still grows. And so does our drive to keep exploring art – it is the way we try to make sense of the world around us.
I've found the phrase “blur the lines between life and art” written in several notebooks and sketchbooks over the years. I recently went to a virtual artist talk with two artists who I deeply admire Deborah Roberts and Vanessa German – and that phrase came up in their conversation as well. Let's live life as the ultimate artistic practice and fill our lives with the love and magic of art!
What is art to you? I would love to hear.
Rainbow Connection Mural Update
The day after I sent my last newsletter, I found out that a mural design I submitted was open for public voting. I got an outpouring of love (and votes!) from you all… Thank you so much!!
The building owners ultimately decided to go with another artist. I really appreciate your support and encouragement – It means the world to me! I really love creating artwork in public spaces and finally added some examples of these projects to my website. You can check out my mural page on my website.
In case you missed it, the design is below… The site specific piece was titled Rainbow Connection, and filled a passageway between two buildings leading to a parking lot. The artwork shows a network of playful designs inspired by nature including flowers, paths and raindrops, flowing around the Erie canal and waterways that surround the area. I had hoped the design bringing a sense of optimism and wonder to the business district and spark a sense of joy for all ages. I had fun with the concept and will keep playing with it until it finds a home :)